In December, as part of the Advent Conspiracy, we decided to give the entire offering from one Sunday (December 18) to 3 mission opportunities. The offering that Sunday was $54,944.99!… Continue reading remember [give more]?
Category: advent conspiracy
advent conspiracy [worship fully]: andrea alford
I read the names, and I remember their stories. Tamar…twice widowed, tricks her father-in-law into sleeping with her so she can conceive, bear a child and cement her place in… Continue reading advent conspiracy [worship fully]: andrea alford
advent conspiracy [worship fully]: Shane Warbington
In the christian community we often evaluate our corporate gatherings and our personal times of worship and then we give ourselves points based on certain responses. “Boy I sure sang… Continue reading advent conspiracy [worship fully]: Shane Warbington
advent conspiracy [love all]: Andrea Alford
Love all… My life is messy. I’d bet real money that yours is, too, and that admitting this to each other is, at once, the most difficult and most freeing… Continue reading advent conspiracy [love all]: Andrea Alford
advent conspiracy [love all]: Tanja Jameson
“Let every heart prepare Him room…” We sing those words every year, know them by heart. Sang them just a few weeks ago in church, in fact. But as I… Continue reading advent conspiracy [love all]: Tanja Jameson
advent conspiracy [spend less]: Alison Chino
As we look for ways to spend less, we thought it might be fun to share some creative gift ideas. This was originally posted by Alison last Saturday, Dec. 3,… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Alison Chino
advent conspiracy [spend less]: Taido Chino
I have a problem. Lots of them actually. Problem #1: I like things more than I should. I wish that I could say that I am immune from the all-powerful… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Taido Chino
advent conspiracy [spend less]: Inés McBryde
The first time I heard about Dave Ramsey, my husband was trying to drag me to one of his 13-week finance classes. I basically said “no way José”. I thought… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Inés McBryde
advent conspiracy [spend less]: Rachel Pinto
What do you really want? Waterdeep is, in my opinion, one of the best bands of the last 20 years. Never mind that they have a smaller following than, say,… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Rachel Pinto
advent conspiracy [spend less]: Jen Holsted
Spending less is a relatively easy notion for me. I come from a long line of penny pinchers. David and I have actually done pretty well over the years of… Continue reading advent conspiracy [spend less]: Jen Holsted